
Archive for September, 2015

Hypocrisy, Double Standards, the Rule of Law, and Kim Davis

09/12/2015 Leave a comment

Why is it that when former San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, President Obama, former Attorney General Eric Holder, numerous federal judges and state attorneys general (including Jack Conway of Kentucky in 2014), and the Supreme Court refuse to uphold both federal and state marriage laws, they are praised and celebrated in the mainstream media as heroes and “civil rights” champions?  Where was the outrage from the Left and gay activists over the flouting of the rule of law then (and *numerous* times over the last seven years within the Obama Administration for various reasons)?  Why weren’t those individuals imprisoned or so much as scolded for their lawlessness?

Oh, wait.  I think I get it now.  Those lawbreakers get a pass because they agree with the Progressive/LGBT agenda, right?  It is only when a person holds a different viewpoint from theirs — especially the biblical Christian perspective — and when it aids their agenda that the rule of law suddenly matters.  Gotcha!  How convenient.  Double standards and hypocrisy abound.

When, for example, KY Attorney General Jack Conway defied state and federal (DOMA) marriage laws last year, he gave the following justification for his actions:  “For those who disagree, I can only say that I am doing what I think is right.  In the final analysis, I had to make a decision that I could be proud of . . .”

Kim Davis stopped issuing marriage licenses for the same reason Conway offered — that is, because she did what she thinks is right.  Curiously, Conway was never penalized and still has the same job while Davis went to jail.  Seems fair and consistent enough.  So much for the 14th Amendment and equal treatment under the law.

In truth, had the SCOTUS decision on June 26 gone the other direction and had Kim Davis defied that ruling, as well as the KY Constitution (which limits marriage to the union of one man and one woman) by illegally issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples, just like Mayor Newsom did before her in CA, Davis would have been adored and idolized by the same people who now want her head.  And I can assure you that she would not have gone to jail.  Plus, none of her present vilifiers would be judging (oh my, not that!) her past sins, as if (1) they have none of their own (ha!), (2) as if there really is an objective moral standard/authority after all to which they are unwittingly appealing, and (3) as if Christ doesn’t show undeserved mercy and grace to great sinners — yeah, that’s kind of His specialty.  (You can personally find out what that’s like too if you will swallow your pride, turn away from your sins instead of clinging to them, and ask Him sincerely to forgive and transform you.  Contrary to popular belief, you must go to God just as you are, and HE will then “clean you up.”  You’ll never achieve that yourself.)

Think all this uproar is merely over an earnest concern for the rule of law (which law are we talking about, by the way)?  Spare me.  There is something much deeper transpiring here on a spiritual and moral level, folks.  Open your eyes.  (Well, on second thought, you should probably ask God to do that for you.)

Recommended Resources

1) “What We Learned From the Arrest of Kim Davis” – Dr. Michael Brown

2) Kim Davis and Religious Freedom

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